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Eagle Hunters in Kyrgyzstan

Aleksei, our trusted guide in Kyrgyzstan, shares a quick snapshot of eagle hunters.

Q: What can our guests expect when they meet the eagle hunters?

A: A demonstration of the eagles and their skills, as well as some training process. The prey used could be just a fur or a live animal, usually a rabbit or a fox. The hunters would rarely take our guests on an actual hunt, but this could be negotiated.

Q: When is the best season to participate in this?

A: You can watch the eagle hunting demonstration any time during the year, but their actual hunting season is in late autumn and winter.

Q: One of my favourite things about visiting Kyrgyzstan was staying in a yurt with local nomads. What do you like best about yurt stays?

A: Yurt stays are fun. Most of them are located in remote areas with no electricity, internet or any sort of connection. It’s good connectivity detox!

Q: What is your favourite Kyrgyz dish?

A: I like lagman.

All photos by Aleksei Belov.

Eagle hunting is available as part of our customised itineraries in Kyrgyzstan, in addition to horse treks, yurt stays and multi-day hikes. While you are there, Alex will be more than happy to let you try lagman, which is a local noodle dish with beef! We recommend visiting Kyrgyzstan in the summer months from June to mid-September, in order to access some of the scenic high mountain passes. If you are interested in visiting Kyrgyzstan, get in touch with us at

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